On 20.03.2018. after a lengthy period of efforts, we were admitted to the Network of the Culinary Heritage of Małopolska within the European Network of Regional Culinary Heritage by The board of the Malopolskie Province. It was originated in Sweden to facilitate access to local and regional top quality food products to consumers and tourists across Europe.

The very basic condition you need to satisfy to access the network is a close relation of dish with a region. The dish must be based on products acquired locally.

The logo of the network (characteristic chef’s hat on a blue background) leads consumers and tourists to places that offer dishes and products maintaining local customs and enhance them by updating regulations with the use of local resources. You can therefore enjoy the benefits of regional culture and cuisine.

Anyone willing to enter the Network of Regional Culinary Heritage must fulfil a number of conditions specified in relevant Regulations.

Our dishes, which are included in the list, are strictly related to Małopolska, with the Low Beskids region, with Lemko region, with Gładyszów and recipes transmitted across generations.